SOFT TOY & DOLLMAKING SUPPLIERSLinks are still good as of October 2019. Please report any broken links to me, or other suppliers that you find and like using, to Leigh at akamoraih[at]gmail[dot]com - and you know to replace the [at] and [dot] with the appropriate symbols, right?... CRAFT SUPPLIERS:EYES: may well be the most important part of any soft toy. While buttons, paint, beads, marbles, Felt and embroidery all work for creating eyes, there is also a wide range of realistic plastic and glass eyes being made. I particularly like the safety lock eyes that come with a metal washer to hold the eye firmly in the head of the toy - a child isn't getting this eye out without completely destroying the toy first. By then, hopefully a parent or babysitter has noted the mangled corpse and will remove it for safe burial before the cadaver gets to the point of being dismembered or worse - eaten!
BEADS:Beads are crucial to most crafts, in my experience - they're so versatile. Finding the right beads can be tricky, though. If you have a source that you're wild about, please let me know about it. I would like to beef this section up... DOLL AND SOFT TOY PATTERNS, CLASSES, FABRICS & TOOLS SUPPLIERS:It has been a while since I've gone hunting for patterns, so anyone who's found a great resource I don't have listed here, please give me a heads up!