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Title: Creatives Häkeln
Edited by: Vanda Coletta
Format/Publication Date: TPB:1999
Publisher: Alexandra Editrice SRL, Roma, Italy(but written in German)
Page Count: 31
Book Dimensions(ht. x w.): 13 1/4" x 9 1/2"
ISBN: None

SUMMARY- There's a basic lesson, 2 doilies and 2 edgings for tatting - a total of six pages. I think one of the doilies may be well worth the price of admission, though. The rest is crochet, with big lush photography throughout. It's interesting to see crochet patterns diagrammed that aren't filet. I have no idea how successful that would be vs tatting or filet. With tatting, you really only have one basic knot. With filet, the stitch is either open or closed. You get a lot of really lovely crochet bedspread designs, then centerpieces. If I were a crocheter, I'd buy it for the crochet. As a tatter, if you weren't as struck as I was with the larger of the two doilies, I'd give this one a miss. Your mileage, of course, may vary. I do wish I knew who the designers were!

(LATER NOTE: I have since come across another pattern book of just tatting by the same publishing house in Italy. "Tricot C656 FRIVOLITÉS: Numero Speciale Fuori Abbonamento" came out in 1977 and in Italian. Vanda Coletta also has an editorial credit in this one, but I've got it listed under the publisher since there was more than one editor listed)